I am Seven of Eleven of Borg......whose been playin' in my sink...again??
I am Sherlock Holmes of Borg.... it's elementary my dear 7of11, it was 9of10.... I'd recognise those skid marks anywhere.
I am Watson of Borg.... but Holmes, how can you be so sure it was not starkers, whose notorious for leaving skid marks?
I am Inspector Poirot of Borg.... it is obvious to me that the skid marks were left by a trouserless man, and my prime suspect is Malcolm Fraser, the former Prime Minister of Australia.
I am Inspector Clousseau of Borg.... no, no, you are all wrong! Eet was ze Pink Panthere, 'ose anal implant 'as become 'ow you say, faultee.
I am The Pink Panther of Borg.... I was in 7of11's bed so could not 'ave been in her sink. Ze sheets might need changing but I did not leave skid marks in ''er sink
I am George Bush of Borg.... to clear this mystery up, I'll own up. It was me! I left the skid marks in 7of11's sink because I'm full of 'it' and I got caught short by a sneaky one... again.
I am Bill Clinton of Borg.... Bush, you're a hypocrite! You complain about the stains I left in the Oval Office, but what you left in 7of11's sink is disgusting.
I am Hillary Clinton of Borg... Bill, if you don't butt out of this I'm gonna tell everyone you still have little 'accidents' at night and that's why we sleep separately... among other reasons.
I am Dr Kinsey of Borg... Mrs Clinton, those are not 'little accidents' your husband is having. He has extraordinarily high testosterone levels and those are uncontrolable night 'emmissions' that many virulent men experience when there are no interns available... it is perfectly natural and nothing to worry about.