Guy is in a male convenience when a 'little' person walks in, stands at the urinal beside him and inquires: "And how are you today?"
"I'm very well, thank you," answers the big guy: "and how are you today?"
"Me! Well I'm somewhat depressed cos, despite fame and fortune for being in the Guinness Book Of World Records for being the smallest man on Earth, I can't find myself a nice woman to settle down with."
"Oh, that's a shame, do you have any idea why that may be?"
I'm not real sure, but I think it may have something to do with me being so small and the miniscule size of my genitals... women thinking I can't satisfy them, you know!"
"That's a terrible shame," says the big guy: "wish there was something I could do to help."
"Well actually there is something you could do, but I'm just too embarrassed to ask!"
"No need to feel embarrassed, what is it?"
"Well you have really, really big balls, and me, being such a teensy little person, with tiny, tiny little ones, would like to know what it feels like to hold such magnificent specimens?"
The big guy is somewhat taken aback by this request... but looks under the cubicle doors to see if anyone else is around before agreeing to it: "Look, I'll let you hold them for a moment, but being so small, how are you going to reach?"
"Oh look," says the little guy: "there's a stool over there... and if I clamber up on it I should be able to reach just fine."
With that he goes over, gets the stool and climbs upon it to hold the big guy's balls: "Hmmm. they sure are heavy! And I sure as heck couldn't imagine carrying them around all day... like I'd need to put them in a wheelbarrow just to get down the street!"
"I'm glad that you like them and I'm glad that I could help you," says the big guy, "but now I have to get going so I can meet my wife."
"You have a wife?? And what does she think of your lovely big......
...Orright, gimme all your money or I jump!!!"