My personal site, DeskTopMakers is now complete enough for me to introduce it.
The main reason for the site is, I wanted to start making previews of my screen savers, and also to utilize the upload features at two of my favorite sites, and
When you upload a skin to one of these sites, you can add a demo link (like a YouTube video) of your skin. This is fantastic for screen savers. So go ahead, check out my site, and do not forget to say hi.
Here is an image of the home page and the previews page. More images can be found in my photo gallery at
The Home Page: Features an RSS reader by You can keep up to date with,,, and, plus National and World news. I will be adding more links soon.

The Screen Saver Preview Page:

The page features a player with previews of my most popular screen savers, plus other players. One is for the most popular screen saver and the other is for the most recent preview uploaded to