suffeciently obscured
Okay, I'll go out on a limb. I'm not trying to be a smart a**, but since it wasn't answered previously, how does this apply when using transparent widgets, objects, media skins and other transparent items or transparent effects?
That is how the author had his desktop set-up..customized to his liking.
Going WAY out here on this limb, but still NOT trying to be an a**.... To me, the literal translation would then be that we have to customize the desktops to
your liking and/or guidelines. Which means we may not be uploading a desktop that is customized truly the way we use it or like it, which I thought was the point of SS. To show off our desktop set-ups and often inspire others looking for ways to set up or even clue people in on what is available in the skinning community to customize with.
Now I am on the tippy tip of the limb...but I have to wonder if this is why the SS was pulled or the best 'diplomatic' solution.
I think a lot of us may have been in err in our response to the SS. I would like to think that no doors have been 'permanantly' closed on anyone's part and that there is room for one and all to make amends and forgive and forget.