First off, I haven't been able to afford to bang since I don't know when.
However, this isn't just about me and my non-existent love life.... the average Joe is struggling to make ends meet.... and I'd know cos I'm average and my end hasn't met anything since Moses was a lad.
The thing is, if corporations can't/won't give pay rises without significantly hiking up prices, and government can't reduce taxes without hitting us elsewhere, we need more bang for the bucks we do get. I mean, would you rather one toilet roll for your buck or two? Yup, I'm back to the toilet rolls again, but they are a good indicator of how corporations are ripping us off.... reducing rolls from 240 sheets down to 180 in some cases or less. I saw some toilet rolls for sale the other day that had only 160 sheets... down almost 100 sheets from where that company first started, and is actually now charging more for significantly less product.
Another example of short shifting is packets of biscuits - that's cookies for US people who have no idea what a biscuit is - and how 240 gram packets have been reduced to 200 grams or less. The other day I was looking at packets of a fruit slice biscuit that were once 240 grams and had at least 16 biscuits per pack, but are now just 160 grams and contain just 10 per pack for 80c more. AND 85 bucks for a pack of 4 Viagra? Now that's a blatant rip off if ever I saw one. No wonder we old farts are getting less nooky. Shoot, they won't even let us buy 'em one at a time so we manage the dirty deed once every 3 - 4 months or so.
About the only time I'd want less for my buck is if I could afford a hooker... AND the Viagra. I'd definitely prefer the 80kg one over a 180kg one.
Put bluntly, though, many low/lower income people are being priced out of various markets, either because the simply can't afford it or the goods simply do not represent value for money. I know that I'm not going to buy a pack of 160 sheet toilet rolls when I can buy a pack of 220 sheets for a few cents more.... or a 180g packet of biscuits... yes, fechen biscuits, for the same price as a 220g pack.
Seriously, are corporations doing themselves any favours by short shifting products and services for the same or an even higher price? Are they really reaching their sales potential by charging the maximum price they think the market can bear? Yes, Apple like to maintain a 'certain affluent clientele' by keeping its prices high, but common sense says that it's easier to get a dollar from a million people than it is to get a million dollars from just one person... tho I doubt anybody 'd get a dollar out of that Trump bastard. He's so tight he squeaks when he walks.
Seriously, Trump aside, we have become a consumer society, and yes, the average standard of living is better than it was 50 - 60 years ago, with more of us able to purchase TVs and other electronic goods than back then, but imagine just how much more we could achieve in our lives if prices were fairer for the less affluent and the just plain broke.... because high pricing often excludes them from participating from even basic purchases/markets.
So, anyone who agrees with me and thinks they'd love a better deal, give big business the finger and let it know you disapprove of short shifting and exorbitant prices by closing your wallets/purses. If they collect a few extra cobwebs so-be-it.... only open them for fair pricing and value for money.
All who agree give the
and voice your concern for our ever shrinking spending power because of ill-thought-out corporate greed.