why should I be expected to research into something that I have used before with success
Easy. Because the Windows Operating System has changed, radically.
Just like buying RAM, to use your analogy.
Newer systems use DDR4. So, if you go to Newegg and buy what you have always used, it isn't going to work.
Newer systems use/need newer hardware/software.
Seriously, if you're really into customizing your system, it follows that you should follow the forums of the company you purchase your customization software from.
Or at the very least, read up on the software you're buying. Things change, that's life.
You really can't blame this on anyone but yourself.
Take me, for example. I have been with Stardock/WinCustomize products since October 2004. I am INTO customizing my computer. I follow the forums. I keep informed on what is what and which supports which.
My Object Desktop subscription is paid up until Dec. 2018. Stardock will make me happy. It may not happen instantly. Hell, I know it won't happen instantly. But it WILL happen as soon as they can get there.
Stardock has no control over Microsoft. They have to deal with what they've been dealt.