Not a “I hate facebook” post.
Oh damn, just when I wos gonna add my 2 cents worth a few times over.
ah! So what! After recent events I need a good rant, and by George I'm gonna have one.
For starters, Facebook IS the scam... and as trustworthy as an agitated rattlesnake in a biting frenzy.
Moreover, Zuckerberg is a pimply faced parasite who works for the NSA, CIA and FBI.
Wanna know why the NSA, CIA and FBI chose him? Cos he's young. pimply faced and an innocent looking geek whose mouth wouldn't melt butter.
Another reason I don't like Zuckerberg.... his hair is curly in all the wrong places, thus adding to his innocent looking demeanour... which we all know hides a deep dark and sinister character with more ulterior motives than the teeny bopper beneficiaries of the country club elite at the Hamptons
Nah, he's as evil as Google but twice as pimply... meaning he's a worldwide threat that needs to be contained with extreme prejudice under the Pimply Dweeb Act of 2001; paragraph 3; sub-section 4, line 26 through 30. In short, it says that all pimply faced dweebs should be immersed in tubs of Clearasil until A) the zits disappear or
the patient asphyxiates while submerged in said medication.
Seriously, though, I'm so glad that I wasn't bitten [hard enough] by the Facebook bug. Just about everybody I know who goes there has had their account hacked [more than once in some cases], and many have had issues with identity/account fraud. And then there's the persistent emails about this that and other members profiles and statuses, etc, etc.... even after you've selected NOT to get them. Nah, fech Faacebook, 'tis too big a problem.