How the hell do you afford all those monitors!?
How the hell do you afford that set period!
Mostly yard sales and Craigslist.
I have been going to yard sales, buying old PCs and parts, refurbishing and making bux!
I pay 10-20 bux for used towers, PCs that don't work, etc. 5-10 for monitors, mice and keyboards I get for 1 dollar, usually.
For instance, this summer, at 1 yard sale, I bought a 1 TB hard drive, still factory sealed in box, inner sealed in a static proof bag, for 20 bux. They didn't know what they had. Their price, not mine.
Lotsa good bargains at yard sales. Sometimes, people don't put PCs and things out, they don't think anyone wants them. I ask.
I have refurbished and sold for 100-150 dollars rigs I paid 10-50 dollars for. A few I bought for 10-15 dollars that didn't need anything but a good tune up. Money in the pocket.
I have probably sold 20 PCs this summer. Bought a laptop for 5 bux, sold it for 100.00. All I had to do was put a hard drive in it.
The 30 inch HP ZR30w is an IPS monitor I paid 200.00 for it. It sells now, used, on eBay for 600.00 - 800.00. Was 1200.00 new. The rest I bought super cheap at yards sales, etc. One of the 23 inch HPs was new when I bought it.
Cmon, guys, put up a few pics. I know ErnieLeo is gonna blow me out of the water. The rest of you must have decent setups that you're proud of.