Which browser you using?
ie7 and with cookie restrictions although I have exceptions for both wc and wctest. I am customised on the current set-up, not the beta.
I'm going to look into it in IE7, its probably a plugin issue, it shouldn't be anything cookie related
wow so I don't know why exactly its doing this in IE7, however, I noticed that if you scroll down then hover over the close or save buttons it suddenly adjusts the window to be in the right spot.... I'm going to try and find a fix for this, it must be something with the plugin not liking IE7, however, in the mean time you can use that trick to at least use the menu for now.
Also there were some general bugs in the menu I think I've ironed out, you still may have issues if you have changed your options a couple times already, I'm going to wipe the database in a little so you will have to reset them (should fix the problems going forward hopefully). This shouldn't be something that happens regularly 
I think I fixed the problems with the customize menu on the backend without having to wipe the database. Yay, unfortunately the IE7 issue I still haven't figured out.
The Customize feature has been there for ages for everyone, why only subscribers now?
which ties into this... I cant say every reason why its subscriber only but for one thing this system is more robust than the old one. The old system was cookie based which means if you had cookie clearing after every browser system or logged in on multiple computers you would have to set it every time. Also if multiple people logged in on one computer they would have the same setting ect. This new system is database based, your information is stored onto your account on our servers.