Artwork and artists: Is more like a father-child, mother-child situation. Most artists see their work as their baby. Many works of art are created with love. Artists should hold the copyright to a work automatically by virtue of creating it. No one should have the right to use other people's "children" freely.
I totally agree....
I guess it will clash with a profit oriented world and a cold, calculated mentality.
Usually being government and big businesses who are only concerned with what goes in
their pockets.
I believe you were one of them Barb, I know you told me about it or visa versa, I don't recall
Thank you Ray...
The idea behind copyright is to let the copyright holder make a profit for a limited term.
Bullcookies.....why would an inventor,artist,and anyone who creates something want to make a profit for only a limited time. If something is *selling well* that is a way to make the money to create, invent other things. Paints, brushes, pcs, electricity, and so on all cost money.
If it's not going to generate enough profit to cover the fee, then there's no reason to extend the term.
But I created it, even if there is not profit, it is still mine. I create for the pleasure the need of doing so....for myself....secondly for others, and as a side it would be nice to make a little change now and then( if that will ever come)....but I do not create so someone else can take it and add a circle and call it theirs.