... and once more ...
I just downloaded and archive WB 6.20.086 (SDC), then i click on update and at the end of installation ... "maximum activations reached"
It was told to me that unless sig6.bin keeps in the Windowblinds folder, countdown of activations is not done. It's just IMPOSSIBLE. I think i've just uninstalled it once since the last activation reset ... Though there's really a counting each time activation is needed, that is to say once when downloading for archiving (yep i do it like this since i had a bad problem on autoarchiving when updating (

), then one more when downloading to install, and finally one again when installing: and these three each time there's a new beta or if you have to restore a previous version for any reason ...
I'm really really bored of this system unless i'm an ODNT subscriber and my account is already verifyed (and with impulse it's much more ...)
I've send the "traditionnal asking to reset" to support, but i don't really want to stay days for answer
Here's the ticket number : Ticket ID: PTF-552806